
3M offers innovative solutions to the electronics industry and is a leading manufacturer of interconnect solutions for board-to-board, wire-to-board, backplane and input/output (I/O) applications. These include 3M™ Wiremount Insulation Displacement Contact (IDC) Connectors, Mini Delta Ribbon (MDR) I/O System, Mini-Clamp Discrete Wire System, MetPak™ High Speed Hard Metric (HSHM) and the new Ultra Hard Metric (UHM) Backplane Connectors. Using industry leading capabilities in CAD - such as NX™ and SLA modeling - 3M's experienced engineers turn ideas into real world solutions. 3M offers solutions for printed circuit board fabrication, board assembly and test, such as adhesives and tapes, embedded capacitor materials, Textool™ Test and Burn-in Sockets, carrier and cover tapes and trays, flexible circuits, and products for reducing electrostatic discharge. 3M also offers solutions for shielding from EMI/RFI, for thermal management and vibration damping, as well as for packaging and labeling.
3M 相关产品
- 工业用品 (1419)
- 风扇 - 家用、办公室和落地风扇 (3)
- 暖通空调 - 空气过滤器 (321)
- 清洁和维护产品 (443)
- 维护 - 空气压缩机工具和配件 (457)
- 维护 - 磁铁 (1)
- 维护 - 垫子 (2)
- 办公设备 - 办公用品 (57)
- 办公设备 - 喷泉和加油站 (2)
- 户外用品-停车场和安全 (1)
- 产品、物料搬运和储存 - 建筑/建筑产品 (10)
- 产品、物料搬运和存储 - 货架、货架、支架 - 配件 (1)
- 产品、材料处理和存储 - 货架、货架、支架 (1)
- 安全 - 吸收剂、托盘和清洁剂 (10)
- 安全 - 燃料、机油和通用罐 (1)
- 运输和包装产品 (92)
- 存储容器和箱子 - 车库存储和组织 (2)
- 车辆维修及定制产品 (14)
- 工作站、办公家具和设备 - 电脑工作站 (1)