
Adafruit is a fast growing global leader in educational electronics platforms, prototyping and development tools, operating out of a manufacturing facility in the heart of NYC. It was founded by Limor "Ladyada" Fried in 2005 and specializes in the design and fabrication of original electronic learning platforms, which Limor personally selects, tests and approves before releasing. Adafruit is in the vanguard of Open Source Hardware, striving to educate makers of all ages in the field of electronics and programming. Founded by MIT engineer, Limor "Ladyada" Fried's goal was to create the best place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and skill levels. Adafruit has grown to over 50 employees in the heart of NYC with a 15,000+ sq ft. factory. Adafruit has expanded offerings to include tools, equipment and electronics that Limor personally selects, tests and approves before going in to the Adafruit store. Limor was the first female engineer on the cover of WIRED magazine and was recently awarded Entrepreneur magazine's Entrepreneur of the year. In 2014 Adafruit was ranked #11 in the top 20 USA manufacturing companies and #1 in New York City by Inc. 5000 "fastest growing private companies".
Adafruit 相关产品
- 开发板、套件、编程器 (890)
- 配件 (130)
- 评估板 - 模数转换器 (ADC) (2)
- 评估板 - 音频放大器 (6)
- 评估板 - DC/DC 和 AC/DC(离线)SMPS (11)
- 评估板 - 数模转换器 (DAC) (2)
- 评估板 - 嵌入式 - 复杂逻辑(FPGA、CPLD) (2)
- 评估板 - 嵌入式 - MCU、DSP (85)
- 评估板 - 扩展板、子卡 (405)
- 评估板 - LED 驱动器 (7)
- 评估板 - 传感器 (64)
- 评估和演示板及套件 (73)
- 程序员、仿真器和调试器 (7)
- 编程适配器、套接字 (3)
- 射频评估和开发套件、电路板 (84)
- RFID 评估和开发套件、电路板 (1)
- 软件、服务 (8)
- 光电 (520)
- 配件 (30)
- 镇流器、逆变器 (7)
- 显示背光 (3)
- 显示屏边框、透镜 (2)
- 显示模块 - LCD、OLED 字符和数字 (9)
- 显示模块 - LCD、OLED、图形 (73)
- 显示模块 - LED 字符和数字 (8)
- 显示模块 - LED 点阵和簇 (30)
- 电致发光 (38)
- LED 可寻址,专业 (233)
- LED 指示 - 离散 (28)
- LED 照明 - COB、引擎、模块、灯条 (39)
- LED 照明 - 白色 (3)
- LED - 电路板指示器、阵列、灯条、条形图 (6)
- 激光二极管、激光模块 - 配件 (1)
- 激光二极管、激光模块 (4)
- 光学 - 透镜 (2)
- 光学 - 导光管 (2)
- 触摸屏覆盖 (2)
- 传感器、变送器 (99)
- 配件 (2)
- 编码器 (2)
- 浮子、液位传感器 (7)
- 流量传感器 (1)
- 力传感器 - 工业 (3)
- 气体传感器 (1)
- 湿度、水分传感器 (11)
- 磁性传感器 - 位置、接近度、速度(模块) (1)
- 磁铁 - 多用途 (3)
- 运动传感器 - 光学 (4)
- 运动传感器 - 倾斜开关 (1)
- 运动传感器 - 振动 (5)
- 多功能的 (2)
- 光学传感器 - 相机模块 (2)
- 光学传感器 - 距离测量 (3)
- 光学传感器 - 图像传感器、相机 (1)
- 光学传感器 - 光电探测器 - CdS 电池 (1)
- 光学传感器 - 光电,工业 (2)
- 光学传感器 - 光电晶体管 (1)
- 光学传感器 - 反射式 - 模拟输出 (1)
- 光学传感器 - 反射式 - 逻辑输出 (1)
- 颗粒、灰尘传感器 (1)
- 位置传感器 - 角度、线性位置测量 (1)
- 压力传感器、变送器 (1)
- 太阳能电池 (8)
- 专用传感器 (5)
- 应变片 (1)
- 温度传感器 - 模拟和数字输出 - 工业 (1)
- 温度传感器 - NTC 热敏电阻 (2)
- 温度传感器 - RTD(电阻温度检测器) (2)
- 温度传感器 - 热电偶、温度探头 (5)
- 触摸传感器 (1)
- 超声波接收器、发射器 (16)