Banner Engineering
Banner Engineering

Banner Engineering is a global leader in the field of industrial automation. Banner's sensors and vision, LED lights and indicators, wireless and safety products are used by companies large and small, from industry leaders in the Fortune 500 to innovators just entering the market. Companies all around the world use Banner's award-winning products and solutions to increase efficiency, reduce costs, safeguard equipment and protect personnel. Headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, Banner has sales offices, production facilities, and field representatives throughout North and South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe.
Banner Engineering 相关产品
- 传感器、变送器 (3653)
- 配件 (702)
- 扩音器 (31)
- 颜色传感器 - 工业 (3)
- 磁性传感器 - 罗盘、磁场(模块) (1)
- 磁性传感器 - 位置、接近度、速度(模块) (27)
- 磁铁 - 传感器匹配 (5)
- 运动传感器 - 振动 (1)
- 多功能的 (27)
- 光学传感器 - 距离测量 (55)
- 光学传感器 - 图像传感器、相机 (1)
- 光学传感器 - 光电,工业 (2600)
- 光学传感器 - 光电遮断器 - 槽型 - 晶体管输出 (4)
- 位置传感器 - 角度、线性位置测量 (1)
- 压力传感器、变送器 (2)
- 接近传感器 - 工业 (70)
- 接近传感器 (1)
- 接近/占用传感器 - 成品 (1)
- 太阳能电池 (1)
- 专用传感器 (32)
- 温度传感器 - 模拟和数字输出 - 工业 (1)
- 温度传感器 - NTC 热敏电阻 (1)
- 超声波接收器、发射器 - 工业 (86)