ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor

ROHM was established in Kyoto, Japan, in 1958. ROHM designs and manufactures semiconductors, integrated circuits and other electronic components. These components find a home in the dynamic and ever-growing wireless, computer, automotive and consumer electronics markets. Some of the most innovative equipment and devices use ROHM products. ROHM's presence in the North American market continues to expand with a logistic headquarters in San Diego, California, a design center in San Jose, California, a QA Center in Novi, Michigan, a sales office in Guadalajara, Mexico and a sales network that covers marketing, sales, and engineering support for the North and South American clients from Canada to Brazil. In addition to a direct sales force, ROHM enjoys the collaboration of several sales-representative organizations and industry leading electronics distributors. For more than forty years, ROHM has stayed focused on the fundamental philosophy of customization. The company has worked closely with equipment manufacturers to develop next generation equipment and use the technology acquired through these efforts to propose system solutions to its customers and continually provide them with high added values. The majority of ROHM's manufacturing equipment has been developed in-house. This has given ROHM the ability to respond immediately to changing market needs. The extent of ROHM products is a result of innovations and the capability to adjust to market demands. Automotive, telecommunication, computer, and consumer OEMs are among the leading end users of ROHM products.
ROHM Semiconductor 相关产品
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- 二极管 - 桥式整流器 (2)
- 二极管 - 射频 (46)
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- 二极管 - 齐纳 - 阵列 (48)
- 二极管 - 齐纳 - 单 (1417)
- 功率驱动模块 (40)
- 晶体管 - 双极 (BJT) - 阵列 (105)
- 晶体管 - 双极 (BJT) - 阵列,预偏置 (228)
- 晶体管 - 双极型 (BJT) - 射频 (6)
- 晶体管 - 双极 (BJT) - 单 (745)
- 晶体管 - 双极 (BJT) - 单,预偏置 (731)
- 晶体管 - FET、MOSFET - 阵列 (284)
- 晶体管 - FET、MOSFET - 单 (1163)
- 晶体管 - IGBT - 单 (164)
- 晶体管 - JFET (1)
- 晶体管 - 特殊用途 (9)
- 传感器、变送器 (463)
- 颜色传感器 (4)
- 电流传感器 (1)
- IrDA 收发器模块 (41)
- 磁性传感器 - 线性、罗盘 (IC) (1)
- 磁性传感器 - 开关(固态) (43)
- 运动传感器 - 加速度计 (101)
- 运动传感器 - IMU(惯性测量单元) (25)
- 运动传感器 - 倾斜开关 (3)
- 光学传感器 - 环境光、红外线、紫外线传感器 (20)
- 光学传感器 - 光电探测器 - 远程接收器 (86)
- 光学传感器 - 光电二极管 (2)
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- 光学传感器 - 光电晶体管 (47)
- 光学传感器 - 反射式 - 模拟输出 (8)
- 压力传感器、变送器 (3)
- 专用传感器 (2)
- 温度传感器 - 模拟和数字输出 (2)
- 温度传感器 - 恒温器 - 固态 (22)