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- CnC Tech
CnC Tech
CnC Tech

CnC Tech takes pride in providing reliable industrial connection and interconnect solutions when high quality parts and competitive pricing are important factors. With 17 years of experience, CnC Tech is committed to meeting the demands of an ever changing market. CnC Tech’s product line includes raw wire, magnet wire, power cords, connectors, interconnects, USB cables, modular cables, standard cables, flat ribbon cables, and board level components, like IC sockets, IDC's, PLCC sockets and USB connectors. CnC Tech also specializes in fast turnaround custom cables and interconnects with original or equivalent connectors according to customers’ requirements. From flat ribbon cable interconnections, specialized custom cables to power cords of all kinds, CnC Tech’s capabilities are well known in the industry.
CnC Tech сопутствующие товары
- Кабельные сборки (1793)
- Баррель - аудиокабели (30)
- Переходные кабели между сериями (37)
- Круглые кабельные сборки (132)
- D-образные кабели Centronics (2)
- Кабели D-Sub (76)
- Волоконно-оптические кабели (201)
- Кабели FireWire (IEEE 1394) (9)
- Ленточные перемычки Flat Flex, кабели (90)
- Модульные кабели (379)
- Подключаемые кабели (6)
- Силовые, линейные кабели и удлинители (281)
- Прямоугольные кабельные сборки (272)
- USB-кабели (230)
- Видеокабели (DVI, HDMI) (48)